If you’re a Starbucks fan, you’ve probably been advertising for them for free!
Has the barista ever gotten your name wrongly and you felt the need to share a photo of your misspelt name online? If your answer is yes, you’re helping Starbucks save on millions of advertising budget every year.
Truth be told, some of these #StarbucksFails are pretty hilarious.
One barista thought it was easier to remember poor Johnny’s height than his name.
Then Charlotte almost became a vegetable.
Sometimes the baristas try to fix their mistakes, although this one actually got Luis’ name correct the first time around. Good try though.
As one Starbucks manager admitted, employees sometimes use it as a marketing strategy. It is evident that the tactic has been widely successful. All it takes is a few flicks of a marker and some humour. And Bingo! For years, customers have been spreading photos of their Starbucks cups adorned with their new nicknames on social media. For. FREE. And they even pay for their cup of coffee! Marketing couldn’t get any better.
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